
FDR Memorial Legacy Committee Creates How To Guide for Nonprofits

  • Mar - 29 - 2023


Capacity Grant Funded by HumanitiesDC

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 29, 2023) — After receiving funding to identify best practices to bring nonprofit organizations to the next level of operational, programmatic, financial, or organizational stability or maturity, the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee (FDR Committee) is sharing their findings titled Making Collaborative Relationships Work so charitable organizations can be more effective and efficient in advancing their missions.

“Throughout 2022, we chronicled the development, implementation, and outcomes of our collaborative project with the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative (DCC) to enhance educational offerings for the DC community,” explained Mary E. Dolan, Co-Founder and Executive Director, FDR Committee. “We are delighted to share the best practices we uncovered and hope they are adopted as standard operating procedures that spur the development of even more innovative educational programming available to K-12 teachers and students.”

“HumanitiesDC is proud to have been able to provide a grant that helped the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee conduct their extensive work with the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative, as well as for their research and sharing of best practices surrounding nonprofit collaborations," said Rebecca Lemos-Otero, Executive Director, HumanitiesDC. We congratulate you all on these engaging initiatives that have led to the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee’s achievements in historic preservation, inclusion, accessibility, and education.”

Making Collaborative Relationships Work is now available to download free of charge from the FDR Committee website at

To receive updates on educational opportunities from the FDR Committee, please sign up here.

One page flyer - click link below for PDF

The PDF of the image above can be found: Building Project 2023.pdf 


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About the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee

FDR Memorial Legacy Committee is a citizen-led organization with the mission to promote education about the FDR Memorial in Washington, DC, improve inclusion and accessibility so all visitors can experience the Memorial and preserve the Memorial for future generations.  The organization, borne out of the successful disability led campaign in the 1990s for disability representation at the Memorial, is committed to sharing the diverse perspectives of the Roosevelt era and that era's legacy today. Please visit for more information.

About HumanitiesDC

HumanitiesDC is the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. With the support of the NEH, the DC City Council, and contributions from the private sector, HumanitiesDC works to fulfill its mission of enriching the quality of life, foster intellectual stimulation, and promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of local history in all neighborhoods of the District through humanities programs and grants.

 Media Contact: Kelly Douglas,