News & Events

Recorded Panel Discussion: Representation and Leadership: FDR and the FDR Memorial

  • Jan - 27 - 2021

On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, the Institute of Politics, Policy, and History at the University of the District of Columbia and the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee hosted the virtual panel discussion titled Representation and Leadership: FDR and the FDR Memorial. 

Screenshot from webinar with photos of Sharon Pratt, Chris Roosevelt, Senator Harkin, Mary Dolan, Kelly Douglas and Paris the Interpreter

Featured guests included:

Former Mayor Sharon Pratt, Founding Director, Institute of Politics, Policy, & History, University of the District of Columbia

Senator Tom Harkin – Retired – Iowa, Chief Architect of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Christopher Roosevelt, Attorney and Conservationist

Mary Dolan, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee 

To access the webinar recording please Click Here.  

Please note: Anytime screen share is activated, the Zoom recording will only capture the active speaker, so the interpreters disappear.  This is a known issue with Zoom that we have complained about, but there is no solution at this time. The recording does have closed captioning.