You Will Be Missed Alec
- Feb - 15 - 2021
- Mary Dolan, Executive Director, FDR Memorial Legacy Committee

We mourn the loss of our friend and colleague, Alec Frazier of Autistic Reality. Alec reached out to me in May of 2020 and shared his love of FDR and the FDR Memorial. We had great conversations, and I asked him to be a part of our work with the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee. Among his many talents, Alec was a photographer, and for the past several years, he had been meticulously photographing the FDR Memorial. He made those photos available to us to use in our work -- a tremendous gift.
Alec also conducted a wonderful interview with FDR Committee co-founder Jim Dickson giving the background disability story of the FDR Memorial. This piece of work will live on. Alec was a valued member of our team. He will be missed. We honor his memory and his work.
RIP friend.
- Mary E. Dolan
Executive Director, FDR Memorial Legacy Committee
To view the recording of Alec's virtual memorial service, please visit the FDR Memorial Legacy Committee YouTube page here.